Copyright statement
This site describes techniques for self defense. In theory there is no copyright on self defense techniques, because these technique are from 'nobody', and could have been made up by 'anybody'. If the people of old in Japan would have known the concept of copyright, it would be impossible for us today to execute budo, because all techniques have been used and/or described.
That why we cannot and will not copyright the techniques on this site. On the other hand, it took us a (very) long time and trouble in creating this site (for example, we filmed at least for 500 minutes, edited these in 5 weeks and translated the site in 2 months). In order to ensure that this time and trouble has not been for nothing, and the authors of this site can keep track of where the films can be found, nothing of this site may be reproduced without prior consent of the users.
Thus, the use of the techniques itself are free (under the disclaimer), but
the 'use' (i.e. copy or publishing) of the film and descriptions of the techniques
as given and used on this site may not be used without prior permission.
In setting up this site, the authors also, of course, used various sources about budo (jiu jitsu, judo, aikido, etc.). These are mentioned in the 'Sources' part, to ensure 'credit where credit is due', and to ensure that the 'originator' of a technique is mentioned (noting the above made statment about that no one is the real 'originator' of a certain technique). .
The authors wish to thank anybody who helped us making this site, directly or indirectly (i.e. via books, etc).
Here a more formal version of the above (where this text is in contradiction with anything mentioned above, this text should be used):
The information on the site and the subdomains of this site fall under the copyright or Sander Huijding and Jeroen Visser and no rights can be taken from this site. The authors of this site do not take any responsibility for the consequences of the use of the offered information and the use thereof.
© copyright. Nothing of this site may be used without prior permission of Sander Huijding and Jeroen Visser. Al the foto and film materials remain property of Sander Huijding and Jeroen Visser at all times.
As authors are not native speakers, the Dutch version of the copyright is the leading copyright statement:
De informatie op de site en de subdomeinen van deze site valt onder copyright van Sander Huijding en Jeroen Visser en er kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend. De auteurs van deze site nemen geen verantwoordelijkheid voor de consequenties van het gebruik van de geboden informatie.
© copyright. Niets van deze site mag gebruikt worden zonder toestemming vooraf van Sander Huijding en Jeroen Visser. Al het foto materiaal e.d. zijn en blijven eigendom van Sander Huijding en Jeroen Visser.