Help us with the translation

Yoy may have noticed that the site is translated very badly! We know... problem is we really don't have the time to do a good translation, as we just don't have any time left. So, what we did (which still was a heck of a job) was translate it using online translation. This resulted in quite some bad English. On the other hand, it was a (sort of) translation... Please help us with the translation, so everybody can enjoy the techniques with having to guess what we mean to say...

If you want to help us out, please fill out the form below. Use the 'Back' and 'Forward' errors of Internet Explorer (or Firefox, which is a far better browser :) to copy and paste data. Thanks for helping us making this site 'English proof'!!!

Name (not required, but we will add your name to our hall of fame):

'Kote kansetsu waza'):

Current text (not required, but you can easily copy-paste the text so we know where to look):

Right translation (or 'the way we should have put it'):

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