Ko Uchi Gari - application 2 |
Film of the execution of this technique:
Click here for an example of the implementation of this technique.
Initial situation:
Tori and uke stand opposite each other
Basic attack - kick:
Uke kicks (mae geri) to the abdomen of tori with URB
Basic move - Tenkan:
Tori makes a crotch block-system (gedan juji uke) and forces URL to the ground. Tori steps with TLF.
technique -
Tori obtains in his turn from to the face of uke. This can be carried out as a sweep or as a real blow on the side of the head.
Nage-, kansetsu- of shime-waza:
Execute ko uchi gari hard, so that uke is eliminated by the throw.
Possible continuation:
Tori and indicates URL to lift URL further with TRv in TRH. TLA embrace URB. Tori steps for and makes leg lock (ude kata ashi hishigi).