Jiu Jitsu Goshi Waza
Goshi-waza mean hip throws. On these pages several hip throws are discussed. By technique a general description is given firstly such as technique himself be carried out must. Then a description will be given of how this technique application to apply in a specific situation or.
1 |
atemi, shuto |
irimi, shuto uke, ura tsuki |
2 |
atemi, oi teisho tsuki |
irimi, age uke, ura tsuki in stomach |
3 |
enclosure, of forward, arms fixed |
irimi, morote gedan barai |
enclosure, of, arms fixed |
tenkan, ushiro empi in stomach |
atemi, oi tsuki |
tenkan, shuto uke, ura tsuki on ribben |
grappling, a wrist with two hands |
kuzushi, mae geri |
grappling, verwuring of aside |
irimi, age tsuki, mae geri (pushing) |
1 |
grappling, a wrist with two hands |
irimi, teisho on head |
2 |
grappling, of behind, double Nelson |
tenkan, ushiro empi in stomach |
3 |
atemi, oi tsuki |
irimi/tenkan, shuto uke |
grappling, of behind, two hands, pull backwards to the ground |
kuzushi, mae geri on head |
mea geri, enclosure, forward, arms not fixed |
tenkan, hiza geri, ude garami |
verwuring, front armlever |
tenkan, ushiro empi on ribben |
1 |
grappling, wrist with 1 hand |
tenkan, ura tsuki |
2 |
enclosure, of aside, 2 arms fixed |
kuzushi, uragen uchi in crotch |
3 |
atemi, mae geri |
tenkan, gedan barai, mae geri on knee |
4 |
weapons, stick, backhandslag |
irimi, morote uke |
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