Kubi nage - application 2

Film of the execution of this technique:

Click here for an example of the implementation of this technique.

Initial situation:

Uke permits behind tori, with his face to tori.

Basic attack - grappling:

Uke attacks tori with double Nelson.

Basic move - Tenkan:

Before uke has the Nelson well fixed brings uke his arms omlaag and moves his hip aside (to left). He break the attack (skracht) of uke.

Basic technique -

Tori gives elleboogstoot (ushiro empi)) in the abdomen of uke with TRA.

Nage-, kansetsu- of shime-waza:

Kubi nage


Execute kubi nage hard, so that uke is eliminated by the throw.

Possible continuation:

Tori gives to gyaku tsuki in the face of uke.

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