Yoko Tomoe nage - application 1

Film of the execution of this technique:

Click here for an example of the implementation of this technique.

Initial situation:

Tori and uke stand opposite each other

Basic attack - blow:

Uke makes a blow to the head of uke: migi oi tettsui tsuki.

Basic move - Irimi/Tenkan:

Tori gets in with TRL and crams with TLH URA finished (uchi uke).

Basic technique -

Tori makes no atemi but concerns immediately to the grappling for yoko tomoe nage.

Nage-, kansetsu- of shime-waza:

Yoko Tomoe nage


Execute yoko tomoe nage hard, so that uke is eliminated by the throw.

Possible continuation:

After the throw tori uke follows, so that on his knees beside uke finishes tori. Tori has still URA permanently with TLH. Tori ensures that TLH (and therefore URA) for him remain. Vervolgens grabs tori with TRH URRever and draws these to himself as a result of which URA under control toekan be kept. Tori's linkerhand go for the throat of uke along and the grabs collar of uke to his left-hand side (linkeroor). Tori finishes jime with mae hadake.

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