Ryo Ashi Dori - application 1 |
Film of the execution of this technique:
Click here for an example of the implementation of this technique.
Initial situation:
Tori and uke stand opposite each other
Basic attack - blow:
Uke makes tettsui to the sleep of tori (migi oi tettsui tsuki).
Basic move - Irimi:
Tori gets in and something aside to come stand this way right for uke.
technique -
To disturb assessment uke's (with atemi), bring his shoulder to tori rapidly in the stomach of uke.
Nage-, kansetsu- of shime-waza:
Execute ryo ashi dori hard, so that uke is eliminated by the throw.
Possible continuation:
Tori continues with ashi kujuki on uke's linkerbeen.