Ushiro Ryo Ashi Dori - application 1 |
Film of the execution of this technique:
Click here for an example of the implementation of this technique.
Initial situation:
Tori and uke stand opposite each other
Basic attack - grappling:
Uke steps with URL forward and wants with URH tori's linkerrever grip.
Basic move - Tenkan:
Tori steps with TLL to and to and crams with both front armlevers (jodan morote uke) URA finished.
technique -
Tori pushes away URA as a result of which uke gets a turn for his ash with both arms (counter clockwise).
Nage-, kansetsu- of shime-waza:
Execute ushiro ryo ashi dori hard, so that uke is eliminated by the throw.
Possible continuation:
Tori holds both legs of uke and gives a kick in the crotch of uke.