Ippon Seoi nasty application 2 |
Film of the execution of this technique:
Click here for an example of the implementation of this technique.
Initial situation:
Tori and uke stand opposite each other
Basic attack - blow:
Uke to a blow to the head with his rechterhand: migi oi tettsui uchi.
Basic move - Tenkan:
Tori walks on from the line of the blow with his rechtervoet slightly to Right and forward to get in. The blow takes care of tori with shuto uke with TLH.
technique -
Because the movement (very) goes rapidly, atemi are not really necessary: uke throws himself by strength which is already mentioned in his attack zit.Zoals in technique description, is it also possible during the throw incite an arm lock: these kunne then considered will become as the replacement for atemi.
Nage-, kansetsu- of shime-waza:
Execute ippon seoi nage hard, so that uke is eliminated by the throw.
Possible continuation:
In this case tori uke a blow (tsuki waza) gives on the face with TRH.