Ippon Seoi nasty application 3 |
Film of the execution of this technique:
Click here for an example of the implementation of this technique.
Initial situation:
Tori and uke stand opposite each other
Basic attack - grappling:
Uke attacks tori with a grappling with URH to TLRever.
Basic move - Kuzushi:
Tori walks on in the attack direction of uke, or with TLL reverse. At the same time grabs tori with TLH URH (which tori's have lapel permanently). Tori break strength in this hand by kote gaeshi inciting (tori brings TLH to outside). Because of this uke already partially from assessment will touch.
technique -
Tori gives tettsui on the bovenarm (biceps muscle) of uke with TLH.
Nage-, kansetsu- of shime-waza:
Execute ippon seoi nage hard, so that uke is eliminated by the throw.
Possible continuation:
Tori holds the wrist/front armlever of uke after the throw with TLH and brings his TRH on URElleboog. Tori steps uke by means of the head side of uke.Tegelijkertijd forces tori uke to turn by TRH and TLH both clockwise that to move (care bent the front armlever of uke is (90°) at respect of the bovenarm of uke). Tori braids his linerarm in ude garami to make on URA. (it is also possible tori poor not, but braid uke poor to a drawer ude to garami on uke's bring back)