Ippon Seoi nasty application 4

Film of the execution of this technique:

Click here for an example of the implementation of this technique.

Initial situation:

Tori and uke stand opposite each other

Basic attack - blow:

Tori is attacked uke with oi tsuki with URA.

Basic move - Tenkan:

Tori steps with TLL to outside and crams uke's poor finished with nagashi uke with TRA. At the same time spends tori his TLA under URA and grabs URW.

Basic technique -

As soon as TLA have URW permanently, uke ushiro empi in the back step uke with TRL (clockwise) and give.

Nage-, kansetsu- of shime-waza:

Ippon Seoi nage


Execute ippon seoi nage hard, so that uke is eliminated by the throw.

Possible continuation:

Tori holds after the throw with TLH URA. Bug brings vervolgens his leg concerning the head of uke gone, behind the neck of uke (to uke's right-hand side) and puts TRF concerning URBovenarm gone. Tori beginning ashi kubi hishigi kansetsu.

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