Jiu Jitsu at nage Waza
At nage Waza armrworpen mean. Mostly instead of at nage waza of at waza it is also spoken. On these pages several arm throws are discussed. By technique a general description is given firstly such as technique himself be carried out must. Then a description will be given of how this technique application to apply in a specific situation or.
1 |
atemi, shuto |
irimi/tenkan, shuto uke |
2 |
grappling, of forward, a hand, lapel |
kuzushi, seiken, turn tsuki |
1 |
atemi, shuto |
irimi, shuto uke, teisho on face |
2 |
enclosure, of, arms not fixed |
tenkan, stamp on foot, ushiro atama tsuki |
3 |
enclosure, stranglehold of |
kuzushi, empi |
1 |
atemi, tettsui |
irimi |
2 |
enclosure, of, arms fixed |
tenkan, ushiro empi in stomach |
3 |
enclosure, stranglehold of |
kuzushi, empi |
1 |
grappling, lapel, 1 hand |
tenkan, jodan morote uke |
2 |
atemi, oi tsuki |
irimi, shuto uke, seiken tsuki |
3 |
atemi, mawashi geri |
tenkan |
1 |
atemi, mae geri |
tenkan, gedan barai |
2 |
atemi, ushiro geri |
tenkan |
1 |
atemi, mae geri |
irimi, gedan barai |
2 |
atemi, uragen |
irimi, uchi uke |
3 |
atemi, yoko geri |
tenkan, gedan barai |
1 |
enclosure, of aside, head |
kuzushi |
2 |
pakking+atemi (oi tsuki) |
irimi, age uke |
1 |
stranglehold, of, an arm |
tenkan, ushiro empi in stomach |
2 |
atemi, shuto |
irimi |
1 |
atemi, shuto |
tenkan, uchi uke, shuto in neck |
2 |
grappling, wrist, two hands |
kuzushi, mae geri, overpakken |
3 |
enclosure, aside, arms fixed |
kuzushi, uragen in crotch, overpakken/turn |
4 |
weapons, knife, backhand tick to throat |
irimi, jodan morote uke |
5 |
atemi, mea geri, oi tsuki |
tenkan, gedan juji uke (two times) |
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